Sunday, April 26, 2020

Antonin Kratochvil

Antonín Kratochvíl was born on 
 April 12, 1947 in  Lovosice, Czechia. He is a Czech-born American photojournalist. He is also a founding member of VII Photo Agency. In 1999 American Photo magazine ranked him amongst the top hundred photographers in the world.  

I found this image to be interesting because it was a part of a photo series called "Haiti Election." What caught my attention is that the line is mostly children, yet it is being guarded by armed men. This photo clearly has a more in-depth story to tell which it why it is such a great photo and what make Kratochvil such a good photographer. All of his photographs draw in the viewer with something that seems out of the ordinary, yet realistic. According to, "Kratochvil’s works are often aimed at giving a voice to the underprivileged, the oppressed and the forgotten, at exposing injustice and atrocities." For this picture, in the center is an armed man, the first thing you see. Looking closer you see that most of the people in line are children, which seems strange because in the US the legal voting age is 18. This picture is interesting because of the questions it raises and the story that hides behind it.

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