Alessandra Sanguinetti was born in 1968 in New York, New York. She is a member of Magnum Photos. She has received multiple awards and grants, including the esteemed Guggenheim Fellowship.
I think that this photo is absolutely beautiful. The emotion expressed by this image can be seen through the usage of nature to exemplify the age of this girl. The leaves taped to her nails show a want to be old enough and mature enough to have long nails. This could also be seen as the societal pressure pushing a young girl to grow up so quickly. Another example of this in the image is the flower in her mouth and the way she is pursing her lips to make it look as though the flower is acting as a cigarette. I think that this photo shows a powerful message that is well portrayed. I also think that depth of field is used to discourage distraction from the message that Sanguinetti is trying to show. She chose to have only the child in focus and no part of the background. I think this helps to draw the audience to the child's face and action (of pretending to smoke a cigarette) which helps to enhance this image.